Embracing the Hot Mess Express Workshops


Embracing the Hot Mess Express Workshops
Photo by Ravi Palwe / Unsplash

💜 Journaling For Creative Expression:

What: Join my very good friend, Robin Albright & me, Jennifer Grebner for an interactive workshop designed to create awareness about the many types of journaling & how to being one that fits you & your goals. Journaling reduces anxiety, improves memory, cultivates gratitude, & improves overall well-being. Everyone will receive a journal for the day & examples of different types of entries.

When: Sunday, June 9, 2024

Where: Zinger Zanger Shop of Curiosities & Contemplations @ 369 Old Germantown Rd.; Germantown Hills, IL

Time: 1:30pm-4pm CST

Cost: $40

RSVP to: Jennifer @ contact@embracingthehotmess.com

💕Unapologetic Self-Care

What: Join me, Jennifer Grebner for an interactive workshop designed to create awareness about the importance of self-care, the how's & why's, & the many different ways to accomplish this goal to help your overall mental well-being. Each guest with receive a self-care goodie bag to help you on your hard days.

When: Sunday, July 21, 2024

Where: Zinger Zanger Shop of Curiosities & Contemplations @ 369 Old Germantown Rd.; Germantown Hills, IL

Time: 1:30pm-4pm CST

Cost: $40

RSVP to: Jennifer @ contact@embracingthehotmess.com

**Payments accepted through the following methods:

PayPal - @JenniferGrebner

Venmo - @jeng1480

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