Hobbies, of all kinds, are ways to fulfill your life. These are activities that you enjoy, outside of work, with or without others. They rejuvenate & replenish your soul.
What is your niche? What do you like to do for fun? What are you good at? What brings you joy? What interests you? What kinds of groups do you follow on social media? What have you always wanted to try?
It is so important to have a hobby & to make time to do those activities. Why? If your life has just become & here to there & back home, the old saying, "all work & no play"...boring...you are missing out on fulfillment & creativity & joy! Hobbies enrich your life in so many ways like generating new experiences, bringing joy to your inner child, accomplishing something new, & they help to release endorphins, which boost your mood & lowers stress! All good things! You're never too old to experience new things & set off on new adventures!
There will never come a "right" time to try something new. We are creatures of habit in a fast-paced world where society has put so much importance on making money & excelling faster & faster to the top in our careers or in a minor/major league sport, etc. Stop!! Those things may be important to you, however, look back to your childhood. What interested you then? What activities did you love to do? Embrace that little girl again & bring her back to life. Just because we stopped doing those things as a child because we got older or were told to do more "important" things or that those delights weren't "proper," does not mean you shouldn't try reclaiming those passions now! Like I've said before... Self-Care IS IMPORTANT!!
So, what do you desire to learn? What has always been an interest that you never thought you could do? What are you a little scared to try? What inspires you? What would you like to be better at?
It's time to commit! Choose ONE new hobby & schedule it into your life right now! I know, you are a busy lady, & might not be sure where to start but, writing a list always helps me to narrow down ideas. This decision is SUPER important as far as taking care of YOU!! Do it for that little girl inside that's tired of being suppressed. Grab her hand & tell her you're taking her on an adventure!!
Let me know what you choose & why. Tell us when you get started & how you're doing & how you're weaving it into your schedule to make time for you. Need a little inspiration? Start HERE.
You Got This!!!