Welcome to Embracing the Hot Mess


Welcome to Embracing the Hot Mess
Photo courtesy of Unsplash.com

How many here have been a passenger on the Hot Mess Express? Constantly bombarded by life over & over, while trying to keep your kids in line & taken care of, working a full-time job, trying to maintain relationships of any & all kinds, trying to make ends meet, dealing with whatever hand life has dealt you, all while keeping yourself together for everyone...WHOA! *Deep breath*

Admit it. We've all been there or are there at this moment. It's ok. This is a safe place to feel & be yourself. I'm here to help! Why? Because I, myself, have been a passenger on that train many times & sometimes it's taken everything I've had left inside to be able to muster up the courage to jump off that ride. I am known as the "Hot Mess Guru," to help you embrace who you are, where you're at, & help you move forward towards a happier future.

That being said, I'm here to help you on your journey to embrace who you are, where you're at in life right this moment, to help you feel like you're being heard & are not alone on this journey, & so many other things to experience!

I have so many ideas for this blog from Inspirational quotes/ideas, Mom/Life Hacks, Self-care/Self-love ideas & tips, & so much more! I want lots of engagement!! Let's share to help one another in this wild ride called life because it's hard. Let's embrace the hot mess in each other & support the beautiful, creative, worthy women that we are!

Notice: I will not tolerate bullying or any kind of disrespect.

PLEASE follow these 4 rules so we can have some fun:

1.) Respect everyone's privacy - what is shared here will stay here

2.) No hate speech or bullying - make sure everyone feels safe, no degrading comments about things like race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender, or identity will not be tolerated

3.) Be kind & courteous - we are all in this together, let's create a welcoming environment

4.) Politics Free Zone!! (No if's, ands, or but's!!)

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