What are your dreams? Your goals? Your visions for the future? How do we make them come to life?
I would like to introduce, to you, the idea of creating a Vision/Dream Board. Whichever you'd like to call it is totally up to you. Has anyone ever made one before? If you've never done one of these, I highly recommend it! It's a helpful way to keep your goals in sight & your mind set on doing the things necessary to achieve them. These boards can be whatever you want them to look like. There's no right or wrong, good or bad. This is ALL yours.
First, we need to make a list. What do we want? What do we need? Where do we see ourselves in a year or even in five? Let's decide what time frame we want to look at first. We can always add on later. Just make sure that your big picture or your "why" is clear. Is there a focus? We want to have simple, measurable, attainable, & reasonable goals. You can create a motivational board, theme it for dream vacations, goals for the year, habits you want to start, fitness/health, self-care ideas, financial investments, wedding visions, or break it into sections, etc. Once the list of goals for the future are written out, then we can move on to creating.
A vision board can be themed as mentioned above, a family making one together or an individual board, can be made online like a Pinterest board, or put on to an actual corkboard or poster board. These are yours to create in any way you are compelled to do so.
Click Here for a few examples of these boards, but right now I want to tell you again how important it is to have specific goals identified. I don't want you to feel overwhelmed either, so, let's break down the components of a "typical" vision board.
Choose your "board," whether physical or digital, & gather the necessary essentials to make the board, if it is a physical board, like magazines to cut out pictures & phrases or you can get pictures online to paste, glue sticks or tape, markers/colored pens or pencils, any inspirational quotes to add, thumbtacks, stickers, other types of embellishments, scissors, Post-Its, washi tape, or anything else you can imagine that you want to have on the board.
The next part is my favorite...the making of the collage by bringing your goals together in one place. Arrange your clippings & embellishments & put them in whatever ways you want to, on your board, then start gluing/taping.
When you're all done & satisfied with the outcome, put the board somewhere you are going to see it every day where it can keep your visions fresh & in your face. This can be a mirror, in the bathroom, on your desktop background, in your daily planner, or by your bed. Then every day, at some point, I want you to look at your board & seriously think about what you would look like receiving those blessings. Ask for them to come to you, believe that they are on their way, & envision you receiving them. Ask. Believe. Receive. Manifest your dreams.
I have done this exercise several times in the past & I'm overdue for a new one. I have all my supplies; I just need to get cracking. I will create mine & post it when it's done & show you where I put it in my house, where I can manifest my goals every day.
Won't you join me? Show me yours & I'll show you mine! LOL 😄
P.S.) I have another post in the works adding on to this idea with a possible workshop in process... Stay tuned...