"SPRING...A lovely reminder of how beautiful change can truly be."
After hibernating through the cold winter, at least here in the Midwest, the temperatures start to rise gradually, & the hopes of what's to come gets us excited. We are ready to ditch the snow & our winter attire & watch the world around us flourish with budding blossoms of promise & beauty. This is a time of renewal, of refresh, & of rebirth. What better time to start your new journey, then at this moment?
What do you love about Springtime? What do you look forward to? What are your aspirations for this season of growth? What are some of your favorite Spring activities?
I, myself, love Spring! It fills me with a new sense of hope & a refreshing zest for life! I look forward to driving with the windows down & singing with my favorite songs. Â I just love to watch nature in its moment of glory through new growth, & beautiful sceneries popping up, & the ability to enjoy fun outdoor activities again. I revel in watching the colors splash against nature's canvas into the heart of the season!
Now is the time to detox from the acidic relationships, habits, &/or activities that are no longer serving you. While growth & change are painful, nothing is as painful as staying somewhere that disturbs your peace, your essence, your being. You must start your transformation within your mind to make a conscious decision of what you are going to allow into your circle of peace. Do not fear growth & change, for you will reap the benefits as the seeds you have planted beginning to bloom into something wondrous. Just believe in yourself & surround yourself with people who are encouraging, supporting, & create positive energy.
You are ready! You are worthy! You are brave! You are beautiful! 🌺