Have you ever just been in one of those moods one day & can't seem to shake it off? Have you ever read the children's book, "Alexander And The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day" by Judith Viorst? One of my favorites as a child.
Well, I had a day last week that was a struggle, mentally & emotionally & actually, physically. Â I had extreme muscle/back pain that was debilitating my movements & therefore, was affecting my mental health. Â I was pissy, & grumpy, & just blah. Everything that could go wrong basically did. Are you feeling me?
I literally, was holding back tears for any reason. I wanted to go home & just crawl into bed & sleep. Â Forget the day & just take a break from life. Unfortunately that doesn't always get to happen...so instead, I went to a restroom, dried my welled-up tears & took some breaths & came back out. Â I felt wiped out for no specific reason(s).
I had some remnants of those feelings the next day..not quite as bad, but still there. I really wanted to be at home, in my jammies, curled up under some cozy blankets in my bed, with my cats & get snuggled in. I wanted to just block out the world. I wanted to feel better, like myself.
It's just a day, or two. Â I always get through. Â I knew this. Â It was just a hard day. So, when I went into my next day & through the rest of the week, it was extra important to surround myself with as much positivity that I could. I looked at positive quotes, while trying to take them to heart. Â It's not a bad life, just a bad day. I have people that care about me. I have a good job. I enjoy sharing on my blog. I have lots of reminders of what I am grateful for.
So, if you're ever in this spot & have to be at work or involved with the public or whatever you may HAVE to do, just try to remember the things you are grateful for while being where you don't necessarily want to be at that moment. Â Try to spin your thoughts into something positive. Â You may still feel blah, but at least you know that it's just a day, & that you have so much to be grateful for, & that this too shall pass. I hope you can see that & know that. You are loved. You are stronger than you think. You will get through.
It's just a bad day...

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