Gratitude is a conscious, positive emotion that one can express when feeling thankful for something, whether tangible or intangible.
There are so many benefits of practicing the art of gratitude. You can become less stressed, tend to enjoy things more, it can increase positivity, enhance your immune system, you can become more compassionate towards others, & so much more!! Doesn't that sound absolutely empowering?! I think so too.
We can incorporate spreading gratitude throughout our lives every day by just doing simple tweaks here & there in our normal routine. Life is such a gift, even if we don't always like what's happening at that moment. We have so much to be grateful for! Expressing gratitude helps us sow appreciation for all our experiences. Gratitude can also help you manifest the kind of life you dream about while enjoying the life you currently have. This also will help cultivate humbleness, kindness & will help us stay good to others & to ourselves.
So, what are you grateful for? Who are you grateful for? What experiences are you grateful to have had?
A great way to start your practice of gratitude is to start with a Gratitude Journal. This is a space where you record the things you are grateful for. Its job is to help keep your mind focused on the good stuff, which in turn, helps tell the universe to bring more good stuff your way. We know that not every day is a good day, but challenge yourself to pick at least something out of that day that you are grateful for. In knowing that some days will propose a more challenging feat to find that little light of goodness, this is the power of the journal. Even through the ups & downs we still have free will to make choices about how to deal with the circumstances. Being thankful is a conscious choice. You are deciding to focus on the good which, in turn, brings us to a state of having control & inducing positivity. You're starting to look for the good things in your day & are gradually changing your mindset to seek happiness.
Journaling helps you stay connected to your positive attitude & helps you gain a new view on all the positive areas of your life, past & present. You don't need a fancy book to begin. You can use an empty notebook or even create a file in your computer to keep entries that you type up. I know that it can be hard to start something new & no know where to begin, so I have created a list of prompts to get you going. Then once you're more comfortable with the process, choose what you want to do & what works best for you. I will recommend doing this before you go to bed. It's a way to reflect on the day & get it all out. It'll help relax you for sleep.
Happy Journaling!!!