- You are worthy
- You are allowed to struggle
- You are allowed to talk
- You are not alone
- What happened to you was not your fault
- This too shall pass
- You deserve to take up space
- It is ok if all you did today was breathe
- You deserve to be loved & treated well
- You are not a mistake; you are not fundamentally flawed
- You don't need permission to exist
- All of your feelings are valid
- It is ok to have a bad day, week or month. Healing is not linear.
- You are allowed to ask for help
- It is ok to not know what you need
- You deserve to heal & feel better
- You have a right to be heard & taken seriously
- It is ok to not be ok
- You are enough
- You have the right to acknowledge your feelings without having to justify them
*Reference: The Wellness Society @ thewellnesssociety.org