Daily Reminders for Trauma Survivors

Affirmations for survivors

Daily Reminders for Trauma Survivors
Photo courtesy of Pexels.com
  1. You are worthy
  2. You are allowed to struggle
  3. You are allowed to talk
  4. You are not alone
  5. What happened to you was not your fault
  6. This too shall pass
  7. You deserve to take up space
  8. It is ok if all you did today was breathe
  9. You deserve to be loved & treated well
  10. You are not a mistake; you are not fundamentally flawed
  11. You don't need permission to exist
  12. All of your feelings are valid
  13. It is ok to have a bad day, week or month. Healing is not linear.
  14. You are allowed to ask for help
  15. It is ok to not know what you need
  16. You deserve to heal & feel better
  17. You have a right to be heard & taken seriously
  18. It is ok to not be ok
  19. You are enough
  20. You have the right to acknowledge your feelings without having to justify them

*Reference: The Wellness Society @ thewellnesssociety.org

Photo courtesy of Pexels.com
Photo courtesy of Unsplash.com

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