Bucket List for Spring

Spring Bucket List

Bucket List for Spring
Photo courtesy of Pexels.com

Here are 75 ideas to put on your bucket list for this Spring:

  1. Plant flowers
  2. Plant a tree
  3. Make a garden
  4. Go to a Farmers' Market
  5. Feed the ducks at a lake
  6. Go to a zoo
  7. Make or put out a bird feeder
  8. Visit a tulip field
  9. Visit a greenhouse or a botanical garden
  10. Pick seasonal berries
  11. Go hiking
  12. Go on a nature walk & maybe do a scavenger hunt along the way
  13. Go fishing
  14. Plan a picnic
  15. Grill or dine al fresco
  16. Star-gaze
  17. Enjoy a hammock
  18. Watch the sunset
  19. Fly a kite
  20. Get family photos
  21. Play outside games with the family like frisbee, bags (cornholes), basketball, volleyball, badminton, mini golf, croquet, etc.
  22. Make a stepping-tone for a garden or to hang up on a door
  23. Draw with sidewalk chalk
  24. Build a fort
  25. Go horseback riding
  26. Got to a baseball game
  27. Dance in the rain & jump in puddles
  28. Create a scavenger/treasure hunt (Celebrate Scavenger Hunt Day - May 24th)
  29. Mushroom hunting (Don't trespass)
  30. Blow bubbles
  31. Make fruit smoothies
  32. Cook a meal with fresh ingredients, maybe from the Farmers' Market
  33. DIY a Pinterest craft you've been wanting to try
  34. Make a cut flower bouquet
  35. Press flowers & seal them for crafting
  36. Refresh your bedroom or living room in spring dรฉcor/colors
  37. Decorate flower pots, give them as gifts or keep for your planting
  38. Create a wind chime
  39. Paint rocks, fun to hide too for other to find
  40. Read outside in the shade of a tree on a blanket
  41. Take pictures of nature
  42. Start a nature collection
  43. Celebrate Earth Day (April 22nd - every year)
  44. Do a random act of kindness
  45. Run a marathon or do a bike race
  46. Wash your car
  47. Volunteer
  48. Landscape; string lights, put up a fire pit, fun dรฉcor
  49. Clean out the closets & donate to a charity
  50. Open the windows & do some Spring cleaning
  51. Go to the library
  52. Go to the beach or the lake
  53. Go camping
  54. Take a road trip
  55. Bake some goodies for your neighbors
  56. Go to a butterfly house & learn about them
  57. Go bike riding on a trail/path
  58. Make a Spring wreath for your door or for a friend
  59. Enjoy creating a new Spring cocktail/mocktail
  60. Get some new sandals or flip flops
  61. Have a game night with friends or family or both
  62. Make fresh squeezed lemonade to enjoy outside
  63. Go to the park
  64. Celebrate National Donut Day (1st Friday of every June)
  65. Enjoy an outdoor concert
  66. Celebrate Cinco de Mayo on May 5th
  67. Build a bonfire & make different kinds of s'mores
  68. Make a fairy garden
  69. Go thrift shopping
  70. Create your own homemade, chemical-free cleaning products
  71. Go geocaching
  72. Take a scenic drive
  73. Make a self-care kit for a friend or family member
  74. Have a garage sale
  75. Take an early evening walk around the neighborhood
Photo courtesy of Unsplash.com

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